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Senin, 30 April 2012

Jessica Alba says she would faint if she met director Park Chan-wook

Jessica Alba showed affection for Korean movies.

Jessica Alba who has been in Korea on vacation for the past few days, starred in the tvN TV program "Baek Ji-yeon's People Inside" and showed deep affection for Korean movies.

Coming on the 30th of April, Jessica Alba expressed deep affection and respect for director Park Chan-wook. She said, "I want to film a Korean movie one day".

About Park Chan-wook's greatest movie "Old Boy" she said, "The characters were complicated but mysterious and they came to me like music. I might faint if I meet him for real. Please call me if he ever stars in "People Inside"".

Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )
Credit to hancinema.net

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